Stolen eggs
An area for the play is divided into two parts. In each of them we draw a small circle divided into two halves with a stick. In one part we place cones (or stones) which symbolise our eggs. The task of the players is to steal the cones from the opponent`s nest and put them into the empty half of own nest. Every time the players can bring only one egg. If the participant puts his/her feet on an unfamiliar land, he/she can be "handcuffed" when the person from the opponent's team touches him/her. Then the players should come to a standtill. Only a companion from the same team can “unchain” the person who is “handcuffed”, also by touch. The winner is the team which will bring all the opponent`s eggs to his/her own nest. (Described in the book by Lydia Michalika: TRADITIONAL GAMES AND FOLK FUN)